A day late, I know! Sorry for the delay!
Ok, I know, I left you hanging there the other day…. They did have to call in the cavalry. There is someone called an “installer” that can come and fix what the movers cannot do. I was put on the phone with the woman who “sold” the job, and we discussed the mess that had been made. She then made some calls and pulled an installer from another job and sent him my way. While I was waiting on him, I finally had time to take care of myself. I got some lunch from the deli in the adjacent building – a rather small place, but convenient and they make a killer grilled cheese! After I was satiated, I took a few minutes to simply sit and breathe. I was exhausted, and needed to do what I could to clear my head and just take a break from it all.
The installer was awesome! He was kind, polite and thankfully, knew what he was doing!!!! In very short order, he had my furniture correctly put together and in place, (without my having to re-wire anything). He fixed things that the movers had not even broken, he patched things the best he could, moved all my boxes back into my office and was honest about what he did not think he could do. (I was so happy about the work he did, I gave him a rather large tip. I had not tipped the movers at all, so he got the tip they might have otherwise gotten. I was happy and so was he! So worth spreading happiness around.)
When he left shortly after 4 pm, I still had all those boxes to tackle. When they were originally packed, one of my wonderful friends (Ali, here’s your shout out!), came to my office and helped me pack them up. Unpacking, however, was all me. I worked until 8 pm that night. By that time, the office was usable to see my patients in the morning, and that was good enough. The rest of the unpacking occurred over the next week or two. Except for one box. It is August 11th, 2011 and that one box still sits, waiting to be unpacked.
I will have to get a handle on this whole blog thing. Still haven’t gotten my stress management techniques on the page!
Did you know that Stress can be either good (Eustresss) or not so good (Plain ‘ole stress). Everyone has stress. It cannot be avoided. Stress happens whenever your mind and body react to a real (or imagined) situation. You cannot escape it, but you CAN manage it. You can decide what you DO with it.
“Most folks are about as stressed as they choose to be.” – Ed Boenish and Michele Haney
What do YOU think about that quote? Do you know some great stress management techniques? I’m not stressing about getting those techniques in this blog today…. I’ll talk about them more next time. I’d love to hear what you have to say about them first!
Make this day a great one! 🙂