Serenity Blake was a loyal employee of ours for 11.5 years. Sadly, she passed over the rainbow bridge in June on 2022. She was loved by all the clients who got to work with her and she is missed terribly. We hope that in the future we will find another loyal, hardworking dog to join our practice.
Here is the bio we had listed for her. I am a small Pomeranian, but I am full of wisdom. My current degree, D.O.G. (Doctor of Growling), was obtained from the All Licks School Of Dog Psychology in Yorkville, NY. I joined Blake Psychotherapy & Associates, back when it was still Sarah Blake Psychotherapy and I was a mere pup of 8 weeks. At that time I brought smiles to the practice, and not much more. Just as the practice has changed, I have changed along with it.
Do not let all the cute pictures fool you. I come to the office to work. Don’t show up without an appointment, as I am a very good watch dog and I have been known to bark a time or two. However, I am not just here to bark at people! I am here to spread my wisdom. Slow down, play more, rest whenever necessary, comfort those who are sad…. I love my job, and I would love you, too! Honestly… I love pretty much everyone….It is just the way I am.