- Through nutritional counseling, you can optimize your health. Diet is only one of a multitude of factors that contribute to your overall wellbeing. You can learn what other factors are contributing to your health status. You will be able to experience how easy it can be to go from small changes to big results, that leave you feeling great from waking in the morning to sleeping at night.
- You can learn how to balance your energy. Sometimes we feel energized and sometimes, especially in the afternoons, we feel like we just plain ran out of fuel. Find out why such fluctuations happen and what to do to maintain an even keel. You will discover how you can tone down the nervous energy while enhancing enthusiasm, productivity, and concentration throughout your entire day.
- You can learn your shades of grey. When you get blood work done, your doctor usually tells you that you either have a problem or you do not, based on the lab’s reference ranges. Were you aware that the reference ranges they use are statistical measurements taken from within a specific geographical area and may vary from place to place? Did you know that the lab reference range sets margins on where a disease may be diagnosed and it is not an accurate marker of health? There is a grey area between where optimum health ends and a diagnosable disease begins. Here you can have your blood work re-assessed though the functional lens, looking at optimal functional ranges, and learn how to reverse chronic conditions before they become fully diagnosable disease.
- You can remember the roots. Medicinal herbs have been used since biblical times and antiquity. Modern science is shedding more and more light on to the reasons why plant-based therapies work. Whether root decoctions, tinctures, infusions, flower essences, fresh/dried herbs or encapsulated extracts, plants have the power to help with a wide range of conditions, such as: anxiety, depression, PMS, arthritis, poor sleep, loss of concentration, and skin issues just to name a few. Seeing a functional nutritionist will allow you to learn how herbs can be a complimentary or alternative approach to drug therapies and how they can specifically help you.
- You can expect the unexpected. Do you feel like you know what you need to do but life is just too busy? Do you struggle with trying to organize food shopping, cooking, and avoid foods getting spoiled? Do you wish you could take lunch to work with you or to exercise regularly, but there is simply no time? Through functional nutrition, you will find out unique and easy ways to fit YOU into your schedule. Come away with tips on exercise, menu planning, recipes, and life style changes to enhance your health and your life.
Make your appointment today to see Jenny Libkhen and learn how to put your life in balance.